1. Identity and coordinates

These informations refer to the research website of the UPF, all its domains and sub-domains.

Head of Publication

Dr Patrick CAPOLSINI, president of the University.

Editorial Officer

Pr Nabila GAERTNER – MAZOUNI, vice-president of the research commission.


Circé Lefebvre, research communication assistant.

Graphic design and developments


Hosting and Operation

Direction of UPF’s operating systems.

Data Protection Officer

Society in charge:

ACTECIL Polynésie
Rue Monseigneur Tepano Jaussen – Immeuble Ateivi – BP159 – 98713 Papeete.

Represented by:

Claire CHARUAU, and Amandine GILLE at UPF –in charge of legal matters.

Email: dpo@upf.pf

Legal Entity

Université de la Polynésie Française
Campus d’Outumaoro – Punaauia
B.P. 6570
98702 Faa’a – Tahiti – Polynésie française
Phone : (+689) 40 803 803
Email : courrier@upf.pf

2. Use of cookies

Some data about activity on the website and user preferences are stored via cookies.

Cookies are used to improve navigation quality on the website, and also allow the University to evaluate the use that is made of the website.

You can chose not to allow the storage of your informations via cookies by configuring your browser.

3. Destination of collected data, storage time.

Data collected are intended for the University of French Polynesia. Data about user preferences are collected by WordPress, data about site use are collected by Analytics, property of Google.

The cookies storage time depends on the data type. For more information, have a look at the corresponding pages on WordPress and Analytics.

4. Personal Data

According to Article 34 of the French data protection act from the 6th of January of 1978, you can access your personal data held by the University of French Polynesia anytime, and irrevocably ask to modify or delete them by sending a request to com-recherche@upf.pf, or to the following address: Université de la Polynésie française – Campus d’Outumaoro – BP 6570, 98702 FAA’A – Tahiti, Polynésie française.